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Chrissy Dawn

Star Consultant


My Story

Hello! I'm so glad you are here checking out my business! I am very proud to be an independent consultant with Scentsy! This is the BEST company I have found! I will state I've tried many different companies trying to find the one that fits with me, and here it is!

I love all the products Scentsy has to offer, there is something for EVERYONE! Which is very hard to find in a company these days! I am learning all kinds of new things about myself and gaining new friends and family each day!

A little about me! I will be 41 years young in October. I have been with Scentsy since September of 2018! I am a mother and step mother to five beautiful and handsome children and one lovable Bassador! I have been married to my Army Veteran for 14 years.

Thank you so much, for taking the time to learn a little about me and what I do. If there is anything you have questions about please feel free to send me a message!

Chrissy Dawn

What's warming in my home